Another thing I've been doing is figuring out how to make this interface work to provide 240VAC to the onboard charger.
It turns out that, if you want less than 3KW then it's trivial to get the L2 charger to turn on. Just one resistor and 1 diode between the CP pin and earth. The mechanics of the plug ensure that you can never make or break an AC contact with current flowing.
So far I've tested against a generic Amazon 15A charger (230VAC nominal supply voltage in Australia) and a Tesla Wall Connector. Both work.
It turns out that, if you want less than 3KW then it's trivial to get the L2 charger to turn on. Just one resistor and 1 diode between the CP pin and earth. The mechanics of the plug ensure that you can never make or break an AC contact with current flowing.
So far I've tested against a generic Amazon 15A charger (230VAC nominal supply voltage in Australia) and a Tesla Wall Connector. Both work.
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