Chain came with the new groupset, so 3 months old. I still have the chain, and upon inspection it's not only dry but also does have corrosion on it. None of the chains I have previously used have behaved like this, but I am also not 100% sure I properly lubed and cleaned it with the rain and freezing weather ( salt on the road/cycleways ) lately. So, lack of maintenance and salt probably caused the failure, along with a lower then expected quality. I wish it would be the only damage, since then it would be solved with having replaced the chain ( and making sure the new one is really well lubed

*You know what, I went back to the add I bought it from, and I only now notice the part where they mention they might provide an 'alternative chain' which is 'equally good' but from some other brand. That was the chain I got as well. I don't agree with the add stating that this alternative chain to the one it was supposed to ship with, is of 'equal quality'. And if it is, the chains from Decathlon you can buy for a tenner are x times better and both chains from the kit suck. Also, price war is not really visible with this item, it's now 7 euro's cheaper as 3 months ago
But, upon further inspection, 100% something is bent. It still seems to shift correctly but I can't go to the upper two gears without the derrailleur wheel touching the cassette. Since this was a kit, and I am sure it cleared it normally when I installed it, it's clearly damaged due to earlier incidents. I would have expected it to go out of allignment, before something would get damaged otherwise so I hadn't really noticed earlier.
It's weird, it looks like the cage is out of allignment but if it were, I wouldn't be getting normal shifting on the entire range right up to the point where the wheel touches the cassette. It's more like the derrailleur was bent so much the spring inside now doesn't extend to the point where it forces the cage out from the cassette.
When I take the motor apart this weekend I'll have a good look. And probably make a new thread for it