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Spooky Tooth Undead Race Results

First off, a correction, I misstated ah used in a previous post. Both heats, used about the same, 2.8 AH used on the CA. and nearly 4 ah for similar laps in practice. The issue is not can you make 12 laps on 10 ah. You can. But you will slow down at the last lap. So more ah will help with that. Or more volts.

I think I calculated right, and have 28 wh/mile on the track. Sounds about right to me, between 25 and 50 wh/mi for racing. Again the interesting thing was in the race, I cornered much much faster, and got much better mileage. Less used to speed back up if you're flying around the corners at 30 mph.

Same toolbox, and same ping in that demo bike.( the mongoose) The racing bike I built aluminum and wood boxes to attach to the frame.

I was really interested in trying a bit more power on that track with front hub. It did feel soooo good at 1200 watts. In test rides at home, I never had any issues with it at 72v nominal pulling about 2800 peak watts. So I upped the ante with another controller, and put 90v on it. 24s lipo, and able to see 3400 watts on the cycleanalyst. Still no problems really.

Well some,,, see the build thread to see how I made the torque arms strong enough. And hell yeah the front tire spins from a dead stop all the time. No big deal, after you hit 5 mph it stops spinning and you fly away. See the you tube vid in the race videos thread. In the main, with 100v, I blow their wheels off in the first 200' while you hear thier clutches slipping.

There is a limit though. I learned in the practice laps not to apply the throttle too early in the corners. At 28mph or so in one of the tighter hairpins, I get about 2000 watts if I hit full throttle. Did it too soon and started drifting the front wheel. Not good, as I expected. Deep in the lean I was a gonner, but a swift kick set me back upright, and mercifully I had enough pavement left to stay on the track. I think with practice, and better brakes I could learn to drift a corner with front hub on pavement. You'd simply have to rear brake hard enough to break out that wheel first. Then start countersteering , and with the bike leaned, but the front wheel still fairly straight up, you could then apply all the power you want. I've done a bit of drifting so it's not that bad. It does work, I assure you, I've done front hub drifting in sand plenty. It works fine as long as you've got that rear wheel swung around first. Once you are countersteering a whole new world opens up. I didn't do any countersteering on the track though, never had the rear wheel break out on its own, and the rim brakes couldn't make it happen.

But as the ante increases, I can see a rear hub race bike real soon. If nothing else, so I can make cool drift vids once I get the hang of the skinny tire breaking out again. When I learned to rear wheel drift, it was on shiny sidwalks on a ten speed.
HTB_Terry said:
Good job Dan, you're the man! I'd love to race, but I'm a fraidy cat. I hope you have good medical coverage. I'd like you to use one of our motors in a race, the sponsorship is a good idea. I'd like to watch a race sometime, I hope it gets more popular.
No need to worry about medical coverage in Arizona, they have state run hospitals. When I was 15 I broke my ankle riding wheelies on my bicycle in front of the Junior High. I was attempting to make a turn on one wheel and went over backwards, then tripped and got tangled up in the frame. Dad took me to Phoenix and they put a cast on me (you pay according to your income, free in our case, we were very poor). Two weeks later I was doing wheelies on a Hodaka Wombat cast and all. And if the hospital turns you away, you just tell the next one that your name is Jose Gonzalez, he's had his appendix removed there 15 times. We should start a Lipo for Dogman fund. Oh yeah, maybe we could start a fund for Amberwolf too. He could use a real race bike!!!
Great work dogman! I hope to come and join you one day and we will sweep the podium for sure! I will be working on bike #2 starting again tonight!
The spooky tooth riders have to be getting worried y'all will show up next spring. I kept telling them, I'm considered slow in my group, and I'm bringing even more volts next time. :twisted:

An electric podium sweep is a possiblity. But getting through all 168 turns with no mistakes is not easy! I sure made a doozy of a mistake.

I do have a medical plan, thanks to my sugar mama. 30 years together as of yesterday.
dogman said:
The spooky tooth riders have to be getting worried y'all will show up next spring. I kept telling them, I'm considered slow in my group, and I'm bringing even more volts next time. :twisted:

An electric podium sweep is a possiblity. But getting through all 168 turns with no mistakes is not easy! I sure made a doozy of a mistake.

I do have a medical plan, thanks to my sugar mama. 30 years together as of yesterday.
I'll make it back to the canadian border for my medical even if I need to crawl! :mrgreen:
As for making it through corrners with out mistakes well that depends on what you call a mistake! As for falling off the bike or spining out or somthing thats not a problem but going a little to deap once in a while might happen!
And im talking about the race and not lukes mom! :mrgreen:
Hey congrats DogMan...30 years completes a life sentance doesn't it? :lol:

I been talking to dave31 & there is discusion on wether the event will continute....I certainly hope so & will do all I can from this distance to support the event. The track is not really the issue (although they lost money with only a 17 rider turn out) but it is going to evolve or die....( I am hopeing that its just temporary depresion over a lunched morini motor)

The discusion is ongoing about some guidlines (rules) for the bikes to make an even playing feild....A lot of guys don't want to run against the morini's & "franken-christ" custom moped hybred motors that are capable of 50mph. looks like a minimun of a 2 class system stock (yet undefined) & run what ya brung...no holds bared.

Sound familure? time for a national organization to form & get every one together for the cause...perfect chance to unite the bikers of the continent (world seems a little ambitious :lol: )
electric or motored we need to come together to build the strength of numbers.
We'll see what develops. The threat of even faster ebikes may not help any with turnout of slower folks. Spooky Tooth cycles is great, but fun at his expense can't continue forever. The track owner mentioned to me that he might be able to add motorbicycle race heats to the regular supermoto days, held monthly. Less practice time, but if only 6 show up, it's at least not at the cost of not holding another event. The EMT was the big cost I heard somebody say. But he was needed.

Fun stuff can sure suffer in a poor economy. It's REALLY affected my other passion, ballooning.
Looks to me like, Dogman has a Sponsor offer. What about some NOT real large, Sponsor placards ?? Wouldn't take a lot to get enough for the Promoters to have expenses covered.

Someone with Smooth talking virtues, might try contacting a few Companies that are represented by the racers using their products ??

I don't have any idea about expenses, but, say $50.00 X 20 Sponsors, would surely be a help ??
Tough times for raising sponsor money. for any event however popular in the past.
Probably right, BUT, these types of businesses have never been exposed to this type of advertising, which is exactly what they are getting now, for free ???
Thud said:
Sound familure? time for a national organization to form & get every one together for the cause...perfect chance to unite the bikers of the continent (world seems a little ambitious :lol: )
electric or motored we need to come together to build the strength of numbers.

I think a 1000watt class for electrics is whats needed, this is the Federal limit for manufactured e-bikes, if we have 1000watt people can bring their legal e-bikes to race we could call it Electric Bicycle Road Racing or E.B.R.R for short...1000watt and must have working pedals not pedals in name only or P.I.N.O pedals for short, we could have organised racing on go-kart tracks across the nation it will be huge 1000watt is all you need for fun :mrgreen: :p :lol:


1000 watts is lame, people want speed! And everyone hates the slow ebikes on the road that are slow and lame! If you want the publics attention. And sponsors you need hi speed just like anything else! Don't get me wrong it is expensive and having multiple classes might be I'n need but I 100% will never race a 1000 watt class!
On another note how will you determine the 1000 watts? Dyno? My rc car Dyno would likely be great for this or justins Dyno from ebike.ca !
AJ, your onto something there....it could be huge. where will i get 1000 whole wats of power? how will I handle all that.

(sorry Arlo, thats a inside joke from old timers on the forum) EBRR.....i am to fat to play. :( :mrgreen:
Just watching you tube vids of the events is a real kick for me.
Really want to be part of the spring Death race even if it is only as an also ran.
The bike has not been built yet, but I do have a 5303, a stack of cell man cells,and a couple of Lyens big volt controllers.
Looking forward to a long road trip from up here just South of Canada down to damn near Mexico, all for some motorized bicycle race. Woohoo.

Please do not kill the Death Race.
Thud said:
(sorry Arlo, thats a inside joke from old timers on the forum) EBRR.....i am to fat to play. :( :mrgreen:

LMAO...and too old apparently :lol: I checked that "other site" Safe moderates himself on, seems he has given up on EBRR hasn't posted in aloooong time WooooHoooooo ... :mrgreen:

I hope Dave gets some sponsors for the Death Race, a bi-yearly event should be doable suuuurely... Was there even an entry fee to race at the Death Race?

I had a great time racing and thank all those who made it possible. I stayed up all night to rat my race bike together enough for the race with the exception of respoking the rear wheel which amberwolf worked on it for me on our travel to Tucson. When we got there he trued it up for me and we headed for the pits. We met up with dogman and I asked him to give me a tour of the course. Good thing cause I may have wipped out on my first run around the track without him pointing out the hairpins. Amberwolf did a spectacular wipeout though, and I am glad he came out unscathed. Tried to get my other two friends that showed up with amberwolf and myself to race my other bikes, but to no avail. I did some practice laps and was still trying to learn the track when it was time to run the qualifying 6 laps. I was pretty confident that I had the speed and equipment to win the race but my riding ability on that track could still improve. We fired up to do a parade lap leading up to the qualifer. While doing this parade lap, I noticed that I had a very loosie-goosie feeling as I was going around the track. As I was approaching the start/finish I looked back at my rear tire and suspension to see what was up. Freaking flat tire! I motored off the track and back to the pits thinking I was out of the race but then realised I had brought other e-bikes with me that nobody else were using. So I quickly jumped on my daily commuter folder and screamed back out on to the course. I managed to qualify a few from the back of the pack but not dead last to qualify. My commuter has all the battery weight on the rear rack and I thought it might hinder speed in the turns and be a bit squirlly. But to my surprise it handled relatively well. Dogman offered a tube before the main race and SoSauty and amberwolf offer air but I felt I didn't have enough time to repair my race bike before the main event. So I stayed calm and accepted that I would run with my commuter bike (which is no slouch either) rather than be in a panic trying to make repairs in too short of time. So a call to race, I am at the back of the pack, needing to make up ground, on Evoforce 1. We do a parade lap and all seems well and we're off to the races. Dogman had qualified up near the front of the pack and you can bet that is where I was headed. There was some hard racing going on but I was moving up rather quickly. Then there was a huge wipeout in turn 2 which knocked out 4 or 5 riders and caution was out for several laps in that area of track leading into that turn. I continued the race, gaining more confidence in both my riding ability(I was the weakest link) and in my commuter bike. In the end, through crash and clamity of others, I ended up in fourth place but first in e-bike class! It was a duel all the way and even though I wasn't on my fastest bike, Just hanging in there and doing my best, not crashing, and finishing the race, almost landed me a trophy. Missed it by that much! It was a great time and I encourage everyone to do it. We need a showing of more electrics. I think alot of the gassers would go electric if the battery costs were lower. I had rigged up a video cam but I guess I didn't use it correctly because I got home with no video. :( I wished we all would have had more time to talk and hang out but time seemed to go so fast. Again, thanks to all and I had a great time!
I'm going to let the dust settle, and then see just what the ante is for the Death Race to continue. I doubt I could raise much sponsor money in this economy, but maybe a different fee structure would work. The supermoto guys pay $100 yearly fee, and $40 to race. Maybe we could find sponsors good for some of the money, like maybe $500. Then put the fee at 10 to get in pits, 15 to ride practice, and $40 to race.

25 riders with 10 racing would raise about $600. Plus another $100 maybe for pit entries. Surely we could get that next spring, with more promotion time. Then raise some sponsor money. Say $100 each from a few motorized bike shops.

I was hoping to see this really grow and get my personal expenses, like batteries, covered. But I'll be happy enough to just see it continue. 6-7 ES members willing to pay a $40 fee to race would help a lot when added to the gas bikes, where there is surely at least 6-7 that would pay more to keep racing.

I'm definitely willing to help organize a race once a year in the spring.
We need to keep this alive. There are a number of ways to accomplish this, here is one possible avenue. We might try some of the local colleges. Here is a contact person at ASU College of Technology and Innovation, Dr. Bradley Rogers, (into alternative energies) http://technology.asu.edu/directory/10004 This school gets alot of funding from automotive interests, friend or foe? Perhaps someone a little closer like maybe Evoforce or Amberwolf would like to take the lead in contacting him. Maybe even make an appointment to show him an Ebike, The race bike that Evoforce built would do nicely, printed pictures of some choice bikes from here as well. You might talk about all the innovation that is going on here on the "Sphere" and do a sales job. Be sure to show him the race videos. You might tell him you are interested in the Automotive Program and that you might apply for admission just for fun. I would start with a phone call to his office. (480) 727-1034. I considered doing Graduate work there. This campus is in Mesa, AZ on the old Williams Air Force Base, very near to the General Motors Proving Grounds. (Used to party out there in the desert back in the day. I remember a local band setup a makeshift stage with a generator, I think their name was "Loosely Tight" played "Thin Lizzy's" Cowboy Song. Three kegs tapped with long lines....................... 8) )
Good Idea. Unless ASU is as broke this year as NMSU. That's a good part of the problem, bux is just plain tight. Hence low attendance, compounded by a date not good for those with kids. Most of the crowd though, look to have kids in colledge!

But if the ante to have the death race next spring is under $2000, I don't see why it couldn't get done by a motivated group. A weekday would be cheaper, if just 8 of us wanted to rent track time.
Well, it is certainly worth a try. Even if the school is not interested, maybe the Professor might know some students who would be interested in a little racing. If nobody wants to bother with it, I will try from here. I just thought someone local would be better. This is just one idea, any and all ideas should be considered. It just looked like you were having way too much fun to let this slip away. I have already emailed my Alma Mater, the other ASU to see if they would have any interest. We might even hold off on mentioning the racing part until we 'hook em' with the technology. Maybe get a Professor to take a demo ride, to experience the EV Grin. Then reel em in like a Big Mouth Bass :wink:
Seriousknot said:
Dad took me to Phoenix and they put a cast on me (you pay according to your income, free in our case, we were very poor). Two weeks later I was doing wheelies on a Hodaka Wombat cast and all. And if the hospital turns you away, you just tell the next one that your name is Jose Gonzalez, he's had his appendix removed there 15 times.

That makes me shudder! Here, medical treatment is free to everyone, no-one ever goes without treatment or gets turned away. All my life I've lived in a system where going to the doctor, getting treated in hospital or getting emergency treatment is free and available to everyone, irrespective of income. No emergency hospital here can turn anyone away or charge them for treatment.

Jeremy Harris said:
Seriousknot said:
Dad took me to Phoenix and they put a cast on me (you pay according to your income, free in our case, we were very poor). Two weeks later I was doing wheelies on a Hodaka Wombat cast and all. And if the hospital turns you away, you just tell the next one that your name is Jose Gonzalez, he's had his appendix removed there 15 times.

That makes me shudder! Here, medical treatment is free to everyone, no-one ever goes without treatment or gets turned away. All my life I've lived in a system where going to the doctor, getting treated in hospital or getting emergency treatment is free and available to everyone, irrespective of income. No emergency hospital here can turn anyone away or charge them for treatment.

It is truly sad that the medical profession in this country is so cold hearted and money hungry. I would probably move to Canada if they would let me have my guns.
Dave is now saying there may still be an annual race. I think we'll get a turn out for that one, people are planning on it.

The track owner, though, was talking about adding a bicycle heat or two to the regular monthly day of supermoto racing. It may simply mean paying what they do. $100 membership, and $40 per day to race. I could probobally afford the trip every other month at most. I like the idea of doing that perhaps 4 times a year. That way we might get at least 8-10 riders each time for sure.

I got the impression though, that it may be Spooky Tooth Cycles that just doesn't have the time and the motivation to promote the race.

I'll do everything I can from here to help Dave with putting on a spring race. Not sure exactly what is needed, but it can't be as bad as running a balloon rally was. A big issue with that balloon rally, was not enough bodies to help except on the day of the event. The hardest work was raising $60,000 every year, and I admit to being no help with that. I just spent a week setting up the field most years, and double dutied as launch director.

I love the idea of getting some sponsorship using the ebike as a hook. We have so much smarts here, another place to look at in AZ would be the electric company. I'm sure they'd love the idea of an EV doing well in a race. Another place to look might be an enviromental organization. Not sure what you have in AZ, here we have local organization that is mostly involved with improving the river. But hey, a group like that might pay $50 to hang thier banner. Every bit helps. Individual riders could get a few bucks sponsor money and kick it into the kitty.

I KNOW WE CAN KEEP THE SPRING RACE ALIVE. I'm going to make sure of it. Somehow. It may just be called the Musselman Death Race, but I think it can be counted on that at least one more race will be held so I can finish one. :lol: