If you can get 114V put of one that would be cool .Not cost, form factor and lead time.
1.These supplies are smaller than anything I can find that will do 113.4V.
You could also use Eltek Flatpack 2 He 110.
Small is a 2kw Vertiv R48-2000E3 41x82x252mm 1,13kg or a 3kw Delta DPR3000B 41x82x265mm 1,3kg.
If you want to use two in series the CAN code for the Vertiv is here.
Vertiv CAn
With that you do not have to gget the solder Ironie, you just can programm them to your needs.
If I am able to find out the can codes for the delta I am not shure, they just arrived yesterday.
Left to right
Delta 3kw
Vertiv, 2kw
Eltek Flatpack S

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