casainho said:I also think would be complex to start having many configurations for each assist level. I think is better to try quick change each configuration.
What I see now is a way to quick cycle from assist level and max power, and use UP/DOWN buttons to increase/decrease the values.
With color LCD I think this can be improved to user, but not the buttons as they are they same 3 buttons:
Current status:
Well, almost everyone of us have a 4-key pad cutted from the LCD 5 at home. Using that, is a 25% higher bandwidth in User Interaction:
-faster Walkmode
-faster Light
-four keys to navigate the setup. (Like in older Lumix-Cams) -- much better than 3. (well this could be done via UART and Smartphone)
So all what's needed is a free digital input pin in the C850...