"instead of ODO km i could have temperature / motor power / wh used etc ?"
imho Yes.
From the manual:
In this mode it is possible to view on the display data relating to the operation of the TSDZ2 Motor.
The data is displayed in the speed field, with values between 3.4 and 99.9. Lower values are ignored, this is a limitation of the displays.
For better data resolution, set the wheel diameter, only on the display, to the maximum available.
The data display is active at all driving levels (from 1 to 4, ECO - TOUR - SPORT - TURBO) Level 0 - OFF is reserved for display's functions.
Usage. When the lights are turned on, the data is automatically displayed in sequence, for the time set for each individual data, then the lights can be turned off or left on.
The type of data, the number of data, the order of the sequence and the display times of each individual data, are set in the configurator.
By default, two data are displayed, 1 - residual battery percentage, 2 - battery voltage, for a time of 5 seconds each.
If the "Set parameters" function is enabled, first the code and status of the selected parameter is displayed for 5 seconds, then the sequence of data.
If the time of a data is set to zero, the display of that data is continuous, without time limit.
It is possible to interrupt the display sequence by turning off the lights.
Changing the level before the end of time moves on to the next data, up to the last of the sequence.
If the lights are already on, to repeat the data display, simply turn them off and on again.
Attention, be aware that the display always interprets the data received as a speed and consequently increases the odometer value, even when the bike is stationary.